Flare system design for a refinery mega-complex—front end and beyond
Hydrocarbon Processing / July 2023
Chaudhuri, S., Singh, R., Bechtel India
Estimating flare loads for a greenfield facility is often a challenging activity in the front end design phase.
How AI can better serve the chemical process industry
Hydrocarbon Processing / July 2023
Lou, H. H., Gai, H., Lamar University
iOS系统使用帮助 - Powered by MinDoc:2021-4-7 · 第二部:下载客户端 第三步:运行APP,添加订阅设置 第四步:登陆网站客户中心> 购买的套餐 > 查看配置,复制订阅地址,粘贴到第三步URL地址栏 第五步:订阅成功会加载节点列表,选一个节点验证权限链接使用 iOS 常见问题 1、无法开启伋理?
What if your plant were truly digital?
Hydrocarbon Processing / July 2023
Martins, F., AVEVA
With the increasing volatility of the oil and gas markets (involving price fluctuations and oil demand uncertainties) and stricter environmental constraints, a new normal for the world is being built right in front of us.
Digital: Restricted site access shines a new light on the benefits of remote operations
Hydrocarbon Processing / July 2023
Ouertani, Z. M., Guldbrandsøy, S., ABB
It is no secret that the oil and gas sector has eyed the advantages that can be gained from remote operations as it seeks to improve both operational efficiency and safety.
Black swans and gray rhinos: Building future resilience
Hydrocarbon Processing / July 2023
Morse, P., Aspen Technology
These are extraordinary days as we collectively work to contain the COVID-19 virus.